ここの”Nucleo ST-LINK/V2 driver installation and firmware upgrade”にあるように、 STSW-LINK009 - ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2, ST-LINK/V2-1 USB driver signed for Windows7, Windows8, Windows10 - STMicroelectronics に行き、下にあるGET SOFTWAREの”STSW-LINK009”をダウンロードします。
Connect the USB cable to the STM32F3DISCOVERY board and use the STM32 ST-LINK Utility to test the ST-LINK/V2 USB communication link after the firmware upgrade. STEP 16: If the ST-LINK/V2 USB driver for Windows 7 is installed it will be indicated in the device manager as shown below. Oct 30, 2018 · Stlink-V2, Operating system: Windows 7 Stlink tools version v1.3.0 Target chip STM32F103 As it is stated, the stlink is depended on the libusb driver. Firstly I had driver installed with the ST STM32 ST-LINK UTILIY but it didn’t worked p Free stm32 stlink v2驱动 download software at UpdateStar - » download stlink stm32 » stm32 stlink driver windows 8.1 STM32 ST-Link Utility. Stlink-V2, Operating system: Windows 7 Stlink tools version v1.3.0 Target chip STM32F103 As it is stated, the stlink is depended on the libusb driver. Firstly I had driver installed with the ST STM32 ST-LINK UTILIY but it didn’t worked p I am using a Windows 10 64-bit laptop with USB 3 ports and have installed the STLINK utility, en_stsw-link004.zip, which includes the relevent USB drivers. The installation appears to succeed, however, when I plug in the development board via USB Windows complains with 'USB device not recognised'. Aug 28, 2012 · The drivers for the ST-LINK/V2 will be configured after plugging the ST-LINK into a spare USB port on the PC. The external ST-LINK/V2 can now be used to program the STM32 value line discovery board or other STM32 board as described in the Programming STM32 Microcontroller Flash in Windows article on this website. The embedded ST-LINK/V2-1 is directly connected to the SWD port of the target STM32. 6.3.1 Drivers The ST-LINK/V2-1 requires a dedicated USB driver, which, for Windows 7®, Windows 8®and Windows 10®, is found at www.st.com.
Stlink-V2, Operating system: Windows 7 Stlink tools version v1.3.0 Target chip STM32F103 As it is stated, the stlink is depended on the libusb driver. Firstly I had driver installed with the ST STM32 ST-LINK UTILIY but it didn’t worked p I am using a Windows 10 64-bit laptop with USB 3 ports and have installed the STLINK utility, en_stsw-link004.zip, which includes the relevent USB drivers. The installation appears to succeed, however, when I plug in the development board via USB Windows complains with 'USB device not recognised'. Aug 28, 2012 · The drivers for the ST-LINK/V2 will be configured after plugging the ST-LINK into a spare USB port on the PC. The external ST-LINK/V2 can now be used to program the STM32 value line discovery board or other STM32 board as described in the Programming STM32 Microcontroller Flash in Windows article on this website. The embedded ST-LINK/V2-1 is directly connected to the SWD port of the target STM32. 6.3.1 Drivers The ST-LINK/V2-1 requires a dedicated USB driver, which, for Windows 7®, Windows 8®and Windows 10®, is found at www.st.com. ST-Link/V2 came up properly on the laptop but would NOT on the work computer. Went round-and-round for DAYS until spotting Martin's fix for the INF file. "B" vs "8". It HAS to be a typo. A time-expensive typo but a typo nonetheless. Install fails via the automatic installer; that one-line fix breaks driver signing.
I am using a Windows 10 64-bit laptop with USB 3 ports and have installed the STLINK utility, en_stsw-link004.zip, which includes the relevent USB drivers. The installation appears to succeed, however, when I plug in the development board via USB Windows complains with 'USB device not recognised'. Aug 28, 2012 · The drivers for the ST-LINK/V2 will be configured after plugging the ST-LINK into a spare USB port on the PC. The external ST-LINK/V2 can now be used to program the STM32 value line discovery board or other STM32 board as described in the Programming STM32 Microcontroller Flash in Windows article on this website. The embedded ST-LINK/V2-1 is directly connected to the SWD port of the target STM32. 6.3.1 Drivers The ST-LINK/V2-1 requires a dedicated USB driver, which, for Windows 7®, Windows 8®and Windows 10®, is found at www.st.com. ST-Link/V2 came up properly on the laptop but would NOT on the work computer. Went round-and-round for DAYS until spotting Martin's fix for the INF file. "B" vs "8". It HAS to be a typo. A time-expensive typo but a typo nonetheless. Install fails via the automatic installer; that one-line fix breaks driver signing. The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families. The single wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG and Serial Wire Debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. The difference is not with the development software but the USB driver installed in the OS for the class of the ST-LINK/V2 dongle. The original installation installs a custom driver to support the dongle. Note that there is a different USB driver for Windows 8 and for Windows 7. The development board is STM32F4DISCOVERY, which includes an ST-LINK embedded debug tool. Recently, my computer cannot identify the ST-LINK on it. The Device Manager shows that 'Unknown USB Device(Device Descniptor Request Failed)' with a yellow '!'.Besides, the LD1(LED) on the board change between Red and Green every 5s.
On other ST-LINK/V2-1 boards, refer to the schematics of the board to find how toreset the STM32F103CB microcontroller (solder bridge on 'STM_RST' signal). Windows Upgrade instructions: 1. Ensure that the ST-LINK/V2 driver
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK/V2 は、 STM8 及び STM32 シリーズのマイクロコントローラ用のインサーキットデバッガ及びプログラマです。 ST-LINK/V2 には、 PC に直接接続してモジュールに電力を供給する USB A-Mini B ケーブルが付属して STマイクロエレクトロニクス純正JTAGライター・デバッガです。 V2ではSWD(シリアル・ワイヤ・デバッグ)が利用できるようになりました。他の機能は前とほとんど同じです。 STM8とSTM32(Cortex-Mx)に対応しています。ST純正ということで他社製のCortex-Mマイコンでの動作保証はできかねます。 2017/05/09 また ST-LINK / V2-1 デバッガに必要な Windows デバイスドライバもインストールされます。 こちらより ST-LINK Utility のインストーラをダウンロードしてインストールしてく … ST-Link V2のページから必要なモノを落としてきます 003がドライバ 004がユーティリティです 僕は003を入れてから004を入れましたが、 On other ST-LINK/V2-1 boards, refer to the schematics of the board to find how toreset the STM32F103CB microcontroller (solder bridge on 'STM_RST' signal). Windows Upgrade instructions: 1. Ensure that the ST-LINK/V2 driver