Cydiaよりバグ修正のTaiG 8.0-8.1.1 Untetherがリリース Zebraは脱獄されたiOSデバイス用の非常に基本的なパッケージマネージャー Unc0verのCydiaのアップデートでリンゴループする問題が発生
2018/11/08 2019/02/23 2019/07/03 2018/12/13 2020/03/16 Since iOS 11.1.1 Cydia installer has been revealing, we are confident that a proper solution for iOS 11.1 Cydia download could be delivered. Apple recently seeded the fifth beta of 11.2, so it isn't fair at the present time that they have officially fixed the security issues that were taken to jailbreak iOS 11.1.1 .
Cydia Download iOS 12.4, 12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.6 Half of the world’s population use Apple-branded devices as their smart devices because Apple devices have amazing features. Cydia is an app that can add more amazing 2019/08/27 2019/02/17 2019/12/15 2020/05/28 2013/12/11
2019/05/24 1. 「Cydia」は「AppStore」と異なって99パーセントのアプリケーションが無料です。 2. 「Cydia」は普段iPhoneを装飾ために使われます。 3. 「Cydia」はJailbreakされた携帯電話のみにインストールすることができます。 において「」 2017/10/04 Our narration today going to let everyone know how to customize their iDevices while using iOS 12.0.1. But the most important part here is you do not need to confirm iOS 12.0.1 Cydia there. Of course, it would be great if it was there. 2019/08/03 iOS 11.4 - iOS 11.4.1 Jailbreak - Cydia iOS 11.4 - How to Jailbreak iOS 11.4.1 (2018) pre iOS 12 JAiLBREAK SWiTCH for 11.3.1 - Electra VS Unc0ver! iOS11 Electra Error: exploit Cydia起動しない直すや … 2,792 ブックマーク-お気に入り-お気に入られ
Apple iOS 12.1.4 is the most latest version released for iDevice (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) users. This moment more than 80 percent of Apple users are already updated their device to iOS 12.1.4. Cydia app download for iOS 12 and
Our narration today going to let everyone know how to customize their iDevices while using iOS 12.0.1. But the most important part here is you do not need to confirm iOS 12.0.1 Cydia there. Of course, it would be great if it was there. 2019/08/03 iOS 11.4 - iOS 11.4.1 Jailbreak - Cydia iOS 11.4 - How to Jailbreak iOS 11.4.1 (2018) pre iOS 12 JAiLBREAK SWiTCH for 11.3.1 - Electra VS Unc0ver! iOS11 Electra Error: exploit Cydia起動しない直すや … 2,792 ブックマーク-お気に入り-お気に入られ アップデート アプリ カメラ トラブル 有料 無料 脱獄 脱獄アプリ 4.1 4.2 5 Apple Chronic Cydia DevTeam evad3rs evasi0n Greenpois0n iOS iOS5 iOS6 iOS6.0.1 iOS6.1 iOS7 iOS8 iOS10 iPad ipad2 iPad mini iPhone iPhone4 iPhone4S iPhone5 iPhone5C iPhone5S iPhone6 iPhone8 Jailbreak JailbreakMe Mac redsn0w Siri TaiG TinyUmbrella 環境:iPhone 7 iOS 12.1.2,Mojave 10.14,Xcode 10.1. まずはignitionからrootlessJBをインストール; Cydia ImpactorでGeoFilzaをインストール LaughingQuoll氏のPatronになってdylib,plistファイルをダウンロード